Pride and Protest

Although the classic Pride and Prejudice has had many remakes throughout the last century, this novel is truly refreshing. This modern re-telling is clever, fun, and one of the best reads of the year. Liza Bennett, self-expressed as the “only DJ who gives a jam,” is fiercely loyal to her city and the people who live there. When the newly appointed CEO Dorsey Fitzgerald steps onto the scene to create housing developments, Liza sees the gentrification writing on the wall. She’s determined to keep her city for the people, and Dorsey is determined to not let the beautiful Liza disrupt plans for his company.

Payne’s cast of characters are wonderful takes on classic characters, breathing new life into this classic story of misunderstandings and love. While the story itself has been redone maybe to exhaustion, Payne’s take on it is new, honest, and relatable. Jane Austen herself would approve of the wit and character that Nikki Payne expresses in this novel. As a lover of the original and many of the retellings, Pride and Protest is the best story to come out in a long time. If you’re a fan of modern takes on classics, treat yourself to one of the best books in the genre.

By editor