Protect & Serve: Strange Partners (Least of Brothers)

Protect & Serve: Strange Partners (Least of Brothers)

Tyis is astonished to find the homeless man who advised her to come to the US in the US, especially since the concept of a poor man affording a plane ticket seems strange. Back in Brazil, the same man had assured her that the US was her destiny for prosperity, plenty, and happiness. However, now that she is a prostitute striving to repay her debt, the homeless man’s promise to her appears unlikely to come true.

Fortunately, she is given the opportunity to begin a more respectable career when a celebrated detective offers her assistance rather than reporting her for illegal immigration as he could have done. However, she is hesitant to trust him because she suspects he is plotting to exploit her, as she has grown to anticipate from men in general. Is Tyis willing to embrace God’s plan for her, or will she let her fears stand in the way? Protect and Serve by Anthony F. Raimondo is a page-turning detective novel that features some of the most marginalized, ignored categories of individuals in society and encourages readers to treat everyone with compassion.

Internal voices, Bible passages, supernatural happenings, fascinating religious discussions, and other Christian-friendly themes are featured in the story, and Anthony’s ability to blend these components results in a completely seamless and enjoyable reading experience. The book’s profound, spiritual lessons will appeal to those who believe in aiding the less fortunate and want to be reminded of the necessity of thinking angels walk among us rather than looking down on individuals who appear unpleasant.

Despite working in a demeaning profession, Tyis is a very powerful persona. She maintains her hopes for a better life even while being mistreated by men and struggling to pay back debt. The lesson I took here is that going through difficult challenges is not an excuse to stop trusting God to turn things around.

This captivating narrative of crime, miracles, and generosity is set in a realistic society filled with violent criminals, pedophiles, and corrupt politicians. As the reader is drawn into the narrative by the intriguing spiritual themes, the mentally engaging, meticulous investigations add to the mystery and tension.

Protect and Serve is suggested for mature audiences since it addresses serious societal topics such as pedophilia, child murder, prostitution, and others. Despite being the second book in a series, the work can be read as a stand-alone; I didn’t read the prior book, but after reading this masterfully crafted novel, complete with several captivating turns, I am eager to. A must-read for fans of detective fiction and books with deep Christian undertones!

By editor