There was a lot of information about lion dancing in the book, which I found very interesting. I definitely appreciate watching lion dancing more after reading this. It’s really cool that the author is actually a professional lion dancer as well! I thought the dynamic between Wei and Hung dragged on for too long, almost until the end of the book. I also found Hung’s character to be very arrogant, almost irritating. I enjoyed the art style, it felt very much like a webcomic. The author did especially well at illustrating the multiple dynamic poses in the book. I definitely recommend reading this if you take dance or play sports!

There was a lot of information about lion dancing in the book, which I found very interesting. I definitely appreciate watching lion dancing more after reading this. It’s really cool that the author is actually a professional lion dancer as well! I thought the dynamic between Wei and Hung dragged on for too long, almost until the end of the book. I also found Hung’s character to be very arrogant, almost irritating. I enjoyed the art style, it felt very much like a webcomic. The author did especially well at illustrating the multiple dynamic poses in the book. I definitely recommend reading this if you take dance or play sports!